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Tau Kappa Epsilon


Tau Kappa Epsilon

Tau Kappa Epsilon was founded on the Culver-Stockton College campus as the Mathetropian Literary Society in 1868, later becoming the Alpha and Omega Chapter of Mu Theta Nu in 1926, and officially became the Zeta Pi Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon in 1959. 

Our organizational objective, which drives our activities on campus and beyond, is to promote and develop the basic principles of: 

  • Love
  • Charity
  • Esteem

Each year during Greek telefund, we have an opportunity to connect with generations of Tau Kappa Epsilon and Mu Theta Nu alumni who support our organization with their gifts of time, treasure, and talents. During telefund and throughout the year, we love connecting with our alumni and hearing stories about life on campus across the decades.

Our goal for this year is to make improvements to the chapter room. 

Thank you for considering an investment in our chapter. Our telefund has been incredibly successful in our recent history thanks to our alumni. We are grateful to all who helped us reach our goals that resulted in the creation of the Tom Ryan Way, the Gregg Goss Garden, the renovation of our kitchen, and the new outside area. We appreciate your financial support as well as the time and talent our alumni provide for our amazing organization. Seeing the strong support that each of you provide for the Zeta Pi encourages us to be the best chapter we can be.

Our Crowdfunding Groups